The governing Mayor in our Museum

The Governing Mayor of Berlin Michael Mueller visited the museum "Dalí - The Exhibition at Potsdamer Platz"
The Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller visited ‘Dalí – The exhibition at Potsdamer Platz’ on Monday the 27th of February. The founder and director of the museum, Carsten Kollmeier, took the mayor personally through the exhibition and thanked him on behalf of the whole museum for the fact that he took the time out of his busy political schedule to appreciate the private Dalí collection that we host here in Berlin. The Museum in Berlin is a purely private, guided art museum, which doesn’t receive any funding from the government. It is recognized as such by the Senate, ICOM and the German Museum Association.
"The commitment to the private sector in this form is still new, and I was very impressed with it. It is another promising way to make art and culture accessible to the general public at a high level, and to make the city even more attractive for tourism. Salvador Dalí as a fascinating and multifaceted artist and this unique museum enriches our city." says Michael Müller.
Fotos: © DaliBerlin.de (Michael Hübner)